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Type: liberating-creative - Influence: creative - Level: minor-medium-strong -

Lilith - Mercury - Saturn

GLOBAL FORECAST (08/01/2025 18:00 - 12/01/2025 22:00)

The celestial shape Ship that occurs in the period described shows medium-strong creative and liberating cosmic energies. This celestial structure is accomplished when, viewed from the Earth in the Solar System, links are built between three luminaries, planets or other important cosmic factors. The triple combination symbolizes the specific relation between thought, feeling and will-power expressed by the planets.

The very form of this cosmic combination represents triangle. This threefold relation between cosmic factors is much stronger than the normal aspect in Astrology.

In this celestial event between the planets there is the following relations: 72°-72°-144° or Lilith (`) [ Mercury (E) [ Saturn (U) ]←.

This structure in the Cosmos is occurs relatively rarely in the Universe, and it shows that the Living Intelligent Nature works in a unique way on the destinies of all beings on the face of the Earth.

Since this celestial shape possesses the quality of symmetry, this shows that the celestial energies have in themselves the potential through which to direct humans and other beings towards the world of the Truth.

In a global sense, Mercury's presence indicates that this is about stock exchange, trading, contract, and information-communication processes, as well as any news or processes related to transport and travel. Saturn, with its vibrations, often refers to the value system and morality of society, as well as to the earthly goods and resources, but also to the poor and underprivileged strata of society, and also to the natural vehement forces of the Earth.

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