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The first versions of software astrological interpretation and three-dimensional astrological software were made by Filip Filipov..
After 2012, the software was completely rewritten as online Astrological Software by Filip Filipov and Hristo Georgiev, the new online three-dimensional version being developed by Filip Filipov, Alexander Bonin and Hristo Georgiev..
Filip Filipov is the astrologer and conceptual author, so he is responsible for the creation of the astrological texts, prognoses, astrological algorithms for visualization, analysis, interpretation, prognosis, three-dimensional Astrology and planetary phases; and he also has some designer’s functions.
Hristo Georgiev implements the software in an online Internet version and is responsible for the software coding of astrological algorithms, interpretations, analyses and prognoses, the front-end and back-end website programming, the design, administration and maintenance.
Alexander Bonin encodes the three-dimensional version of the software according to the algorithms and concepts of Filip Filipov in the first versions of the Sirius software.
Astramen.com is a powerful software that works best on a desktop computer or laptop, where you use a mouse and keyboard, and a normal screen. The main page with the horoscope contains a huge amount of information and has interactive access through the mouse – you point and view things directly on the horoscope. There are also a lot of computational processes that require a real computer, not small phones.
On phones and tablets, the website still works normally, but your experience on the website is limited, cramped in a small space, and you often do not see everything, simply because the information is a lot and it takes a lot to scroll and “crawl” throughout the whole page. On tablets, using the website is a little bit easier because you have a bigger screen, but the interactivity of the horoscope and the graphs – getting information by pointing with the mouse, for example – is missing, because phones and tablets do not have this feature.
The website’s menus appear normally when you access it on a computer or laptop. When you enter the site via phone or tablet, the site menu is collapsed at the top of the site and is located under the sign “”. If you click on this sign, you will see the menu.
The 3D version of the website works normally, but there you should use two fingers to zoom in, for example, instead of the standard mouse zoom.
The website is best viewed on a computer or laptop with a resolution of at least 1200 pixels wide or larger in Internet browsers Chrome 70, Firefox 69, Edge 44 or higher versions. The site requires Javascript and Cookies to be enabled in order to work properly.
Some features may not work well on mobile devices because you do not have stable Internet or your phone is out of date. Also, due to the more conservative usage of code caching (using locally saved code) on the website by browsers of mobile devices, you may not use the latest version. Therefore, in case of problems, try to reload the site “deep” by dragging the page down when you are at the top of the website – you will see a rotating icon indicating the reloading.
Also, due to the smaller screens of mobile devices, the main page of the site and the page which is the personal panel of the user, are re-arranged, the analytical part with the modules for analysis, interpretation, prognoses and phases being located below the horoscope chart (large screens on the right of the map). To reach them, you need to scroll down the page. At the same time, links to recent articles, analyses and other interesting information are positioned at the bottom of the page.
When you go to the “INTERPRETATION” tab to the right of the picture of your personal horoscope (when you use the site on your phone or tablet, the analytics modules and the tab may be positioned below your horoscope picture, and so you have to scroll down to it), you will see several sub-tabs – “Planets in Signs”, “Planets in Houses”, “Rulers in Houses”, “Aspects” and “Configurations”. Each of these sub-tabs contains free brief information about each element or combination in your horoscope. Next to and below the free information you have buttons, which, if clicked on, will provide you with additional paid information about the particular astrological combination.
These buttons look like that:

Buttons in other parts of the website may look also like this:

You can press button by button, or press one of the group buttons (more rounded), which will activate several buttons at the same time and will interpret all the available information in a given section.
The software will give you hundreds of pages of unique information in the “INTERPRETATION” tab, which was created by astrologer Filip Filipov. This astrological interpretation is not available in modern astrological books or seminars because it is based on ancient traditions in Astrology. For example, the astrological aspects are interpreted vectorially because one planet in a certain aspect gives the impulse, while another receives it. This is quite different from the usual interpretations of aspects in the horoscope, which are considered without information about the direction of cosmic energy.
On the other hand, in the “PROGNOSES” tab you will receive thousands of pages of text about the prognostic processes in your personal horoscope through the following methods: Transits, Progressions, Symbolic Directions, and Primary Directions. These methods are divided into separate sub-modules, which sort the information by significance and strength, and show the chronology (timeline), calendar and list of prognostic aspects and/or configurations, each of which can be interpreted, focused on 5 areas and 25 topics of life.
Filip Filipov’s global prognoses allow anyone who has registered on the website Astramen.com to receive a personalized interpretation of a specified cosmic configuration, aspect, phase, eclipse or some other astrological process, moreover – personally for the specific individual horoscope of the person. In this way, thousands of people have direct and instant access to a new generation of Astrological Prognostic Information.
This is the only software in Bulgaria that uses the newly discovered planets – Eris, Ceres, as well as the asteroids: Chiron, Pholus, Pallas, Juno, Vesta and others.
They are available from the website settings, and through them you can adjust your horoscope as you wish with many setting options provided to you only by the most powerful software products concerning Astrology. To do this, click on the “Settings” (“Complete setup”) button, which looks like a wrench – , above the horoscope (the astrological chart). Through the “Help” button – looking like a question mark –
, you can view help information for some of the features.
The three-dimensional horoscope, or more precisely – the three-dimensional model of the horoscope, was created as software by Filip Filipov in 1995 and represents an Astrological visualization of the horoscope as a celestial sphere including not only 12 Zodiacal constellations, but also all other 36 ancient non-Zodiacal constellations, including the new 40 southern constellations.
In addition to the constellations revealing the spiritual, archetypal and mythological reality of the horoscope, the three-dimensional horoscope shows also the real nature and complex curves of the 12 astrological houses in the Placidus System, as well as the two areas of the sky of never-rising and never-setting stars and celestial zones. The real essence and nature of the Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC, which are not just points of the Zodiac, but represent celestial lines through which a number of constellations, planets and stars pass at one and the same time, are clearly visible. It becomes clear that MC (Medium Coeli, or “midheaven” – the cusp of the 10th house) is a projection of the Zenith and is located in a special non-Zodiacal constellation, which is of great importance for human life. Similarly, IC (Imum Coeli, or “bottom of the sky” – the cusp of the 4th house) is only a projection of the Nadir and includes another non-Zodiacal constellation.
The Ascendant is essentially the horizon that begins at the northern horizontal point, passes through the eastern point, and ends at the southern point, with this half of the horizon crossing the Zodiac at a specific location. Ordinary flat Astrology interprets only the position of the intersection point in the Zodiac, omitting information about the other non-Zodiacal constellations that rise together with this intersection point. All objects and points that rise together form the so-called “Paranatellonta”, or the real three-dimensional Ascendant.
The same is true regarding the Descendant that is actually a line through which several constellations descend together, not just one.
The three-dimensional model shows the real and actual situation in the person’s horoscope, without any error due to the two-dimensional projection and flattening that create the two-dimensional, i.e. the morally outdated visualization of the horoscope. In the flat version of the horoscope, you can see the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Eris or a star in a wrong and incorrect position. This is not possible in the three-dimensional visualization of the horoscope, available at Astramen.com, because it shows the actual Reality at the moment of your birth.
The three-dimensional horoscope gives you the opportunity to see in which constellations, houses, decanates, terms, dodecatemoria, etc. astrological subdivisions were actually the planets in your personal horoscope, which constellations were rising, setting and culminating at the moment of your birth. In the 3D Horoscope you can see the Egyptian constellations, the Ancient constellations, and you can build your horoscope through the Real Sidereal Babylonian Zodiac, as well as through the Standard Tropical Zodiac. You can also see exactly where the precession points are that define the current Astrological Age in which we live.
This three-dimensional nature of the horoscope is, in fact, part of the four-dimensional reality of the horoscope, which manifests itself when you prognostically move the three-dimensional horoscope in the 4th dimension – time.
At the same time, the four-dimensional horoscope is only part of the five-dimensional horoscope, which is accessible through the Alchemical Transformation of the Causal Existence of the Self... If you would like to view your Three-Dimensional Horoscope, you can access it from the “3D” tab here or through the spherical icon just above the 2D horoscope, to the right of the three human-like icons – , or through the links given in the “Analysis” tab.
This website includes many free services and some paid services. Which exactly they are, you can see on the “Services“page, where they are explained in detail.
There are many buttons on the site, which, if pressed, will provide you with additional interpretation of a particular element of your horoscope or a certain prognostic phenomenon. We have done our best to make most services cost pennies and be cheaper than a coffee (10, 20, 30 cents). Those that are more expensive are mainly in the “PROGNOSES” tab and are such because they cost very serious calculations, server time, space and other resources, as well as significant effort and time to develop the software.
Astrology is a sacred Ancient Science – actually, it is the First Science of humankind. Astrological and Spiritual information cannot be paid for and valued, in physical terms and with financial resources. When a person visits an astrologer for a consultation, the visitor has to pay only the personal time set aside by the astrologer for the individual consultation.
This Astrological Software and online website includes many free and freely available services that are described on the “Services“” page . The site also has paid services because they consume electricity, server time, computer resources and a huge effort by the programmers, and also sleepless nights for years along. In this sense, it is not the astrological information and knowledge that are paid for, but the physical resources and personal time spent especially for you.
We have done our best to make most services cost less than a coffee or a wafer, so the services in our website are usually in the range of 10, 20 or 30 cents. You decide what is more important to you: the astrological information about your horoscope – or a coffee/wafer. The more expensive services in the “PROGNOSES” tab are such because they cost huge calculations and a significant amount of server time and resources, as well as more complex and time-consuming programming. You decide what to use and what not to use from the Astrological Internet Site for interpretation and prognoses according to your personal horoscope in English.
Loading funds in your account is done on the “LOAD FUNDS” page, which you can find in the main menu of the website at the top of each page after logging in to your account. There is also a link to this page in the panel with the user’s data and the available balance (text in blue). On wide screens, this panel is positioned at the top of the right column of each page, whereas, on smaller mobile screens, this panel is pre-positioned at the top of the page.
On a computer or laptop, the menu appears normally, while on a phone or small tablet it is “shrunk” under the sign “” at the top of the page. In this case, to see or hide the menu options, you need to click on “”. For this reason, people are often confused or do not know what to do, especially if they do not know how or are not used to work with the Internet from a telephone.
The site has a Menu that changes when a person logs in to their account. When you are not logged in, this menu appears in a certain way, and when you are logged in, it contains also other/additional options. When you are logged in to your account, one of the functions is “LOAD FUNDS” at: https://astramen.com/en/load_funds. When you are on a computer, this menu is visible immediately, whereas, when you are on a phone or tablet, you may not see it right away because of the small screen, in which case you have to click your finger on the menu at the top of the site, which looks like the sign“”. There you will find the link for loading funds directly.
When you enter the “LOAD FUNDS” page (after logging in to your Astramen.com account), you will see a map of how to make the payment.
- 1) Select a payment amount.
- 2) Choose a portal – а way of payment; Stripe Direct allows instant payment by a bank card directly on Astramen.com; Stripe offers also paying by several other methods including direct bank account debit, digital wallets like ApplePay, GooglePay and others; PayPal and the other payment portals allow payment through their system, where you need to have an account. The selection is made by clicking on the image of the given portal – method of payment; this image actually represents a button that will start the procedure.
- 3) Once you have selected an amount and a payment portal, the website system shows you a summary of the process and asks you to confirm. This is done by clicking on the “PAY NOW” or “Payment” or “Request payment” button – depending on which system you have selected.
- 4) Once you have confirmed which portal you will pay through, if you pay through Stripe Direct, bank card details fields will be shown. Once you complete them and confirm again by the button below the fields, your payment will be completed, and if the card is successfully charged, your astra credits will be updated in a few seconds and you can immediately use all paid services on the website. When paying through other portals, the system will take you to the payment portal to complete the payment there.
- 5) After confirming the payment and the payment itself in the portal for these services, a certain period of time will need to pass during which the website will receive information about the payment, and this data will be entered into your account on the website. Stripe Direct, Stripe, PayPal and ePay.bg are the fastest and usually take less than 10 seconds; EasyPay and ATM payment also works fast – within a couple of minutes after payment, whereas bank payment is the slowest. Please be patient.
Bank payments take from a few hours to 1 – 2 days, sometimes 3 days if you have made it on Friday.
Payments via Stripe Direct, Stripe, PayPal, ePay.bg and ATM payments (the last two are only available in Bulgaria) are the fastest and do not depend on business days.
The EasyPay and ePay.bg systems are the most low-priced. Payment through EasyPay is made at the cash desk in the offices of the EasyPay company in Bulgaria, but you can pay only when the offices are open. There are usually EasyPay cash registers in the malls, in Kaufland, in Office 1 and elsewhere, which are also open on weekends.
For quick payments you can use Stripe Direct – allowing direct instant payment with a debit or credit card; Stripe –- giving additional options like digital wallets ApplePay, GooglePay and others, as well as direct bank account debit (available in some EU countries); or PayPal if you have an account there.
Payment by bank transfer from a foreign country other than Bulgaria is pointless because transfer fees are very high.
Payment on the Internet with a debit or credit card is possible both from Bulgaria and abroad, and it is quite fast through Stripe Direct, Stripe and PayPal, which allows you to pay by card even if you do not have an account in their system. All you have to do is enter your card details, name and email address, and in PayPal – also your address, and other such details that are perfectly normal for this type of service. For the first such payment, PayPal will create an account for you automatically (if you set a password), so for the next payment you will only need to enter your email address and your password, and confirm it. When paying through Stripe Direct, card data are not stored in our system, and they are only transmitted to Stripe for processing through secure encrypted connection. Please do not worry about Stripe and PayPal – both systems are certified as financial services level 1 (bank)
Yes, you can.
For payments from anywhere in the world you can use: Stripe Direct – for direct instant payment with a bank debit or credit card; Stripe – for payments through their portal with a card, digital wallets like ApplePay, GooglePey and others, as well as direct debit of bank account (available in some EU countries), and through the PayPal system, where you can pay if you have an account in the PayPal system, or pay with a debit or credit card – moreover, it is protected and without any risk.
Both systems – Stripe and PayPal, allow you to pay even if you do not have an account in them, asking only for your card details, and in PayPal – also some additional details, such as address, email address, etc., so as to protect the system from criminal activity. Stripe and PayPal are certified as financial services level 1 (bank) and as most secure payment services on the Internet, there is no danger, so we recommend them for this purpose.
Yes, it is possible, but it is not very reasonable and recommended, because there are large fees for the transaction, usually 7 – 10 – 20 EUR / USD, and this makes it pointless to load small amounts into your account.
When paying larger amounts – over EUR 200, and if the payment fees are not important to you (in your account on the site, the actually received funds will be loaded, after deducting the VAT and fees), then this type of payment is possible, but for this purpose, you need to contact us.
Depending on which are available in your area, Stripe Direct, Stripe, PayPal and ePay.bg are the fastest and work constantly – online – via the Internet. Loading funds in your account takes less than a couple of minutes. Stripe Direct allows even faster payment with a bank card directly on Astramen.com. If available in your area, EasyPay involves cash payment at the cash register; you will have to pay during the working hours of their offices or their cash registers in the malls, Kaufland, Office 1 and others.
EasyPay and ePay.bg are the most low-priced. For larger amounts, it may be cheaper if you use your bank’s online banking, but paying by bank transfer is the slowest way, taking from a few hours to 3 days for the funds to be credited to your Astramen.com account.
Yes, you can.
This is done through: Stripe Direct – for instant payment with a debit or credit card directly on Astramen.com; Stripe – for payments through their portal with a card, digital wallets like ApplePay, GooglePey and others; and the PayPal system.
Through these systems, you pay directly, via debit or credit card, and this payment is protected and without any risk. Each of them allows you to pay even if you do not have an account in their system, asking only for your card details and some additional information, such as name and email address, and on PayPal – also address, in order to protect the system from criminal activity. For the first such payment, PayPal will create an account for you automatically (if you set a password), so for the next payment you will only need to enter your email address and your password, and confirm it. Stripe and PayPal are certified as financial services level 1 (bank) and as most secure payment services on the Internet, there is no danger, so we recommend them for this purpose.
You can build a transit or progression chart in relation to a horoscope – these are the key prognostic methods.
This is done by clicking on the plus icon at the top right of the basic chart: . Clicking on the data will display a dialog box with fields where you can enter the data you wish. Once you confirm, these windows are closed. By clicking on the “Refresh” (“Update chart”) button –
, the horoscope will be recalculated, and in a few seconds you will see your transit chart, and through it for the first time you can view the full set of transit aspects and configurations in relation to your natal (birth) horoscope.