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Type: Periodical - Influence: Strong - Level: Global -

Jupiter and Solar Eclipse on 19-20.04.2022

A Hybrid Solar Eclipse occurs on 20.04, which is overtaken by a Jupiter Eclipse from the Moon on 19.04. The solar eclipse will not be visible from Bulgaria, but has a rather strong seismic impact on Earth due to the combination of the two eclipses in a very short period of time. This eclipse will be visible from the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, Australia and Indonesia, however, it will also have a strong impact on the Atlantic Ocean with upwelling forces, but on Asia Minor and Southern Europe it will have a straining effect, which is not good at all for Turkey, Greece and unfortunately also the Balkan countries. Regarding Indonesia and the Philippines, Japan and New Zealand there is a CODE RED, as well as Turkey and Greece, and for the whole Balkan Peninsula there is a CODE ORANGE regarding the period of 17-23.04, then 27.04 and 12.05+-1-2 days, and of course during the Lunar Eclipse of 5.05+-2-3 days. When the seismic hazard map is reviewed more carefully it is seen that the Caribbean Gulf and South America between 70 and 60 West Meridian; 32, 66, 116 and 134 +-2 degrees East Meridian are directly affected.

In the Jupiter eclipse, the chief planet of Goodness, Spirituality, Political and Religious leaders, hides behind the disk of the Moon for about 40 minutes and thus, purely astrologically, the Jupiter energies will realize an extreme - either a strong maximum expression in people or an extreme lack and tension because of it. Both events take place against the backdrop of the constellation Pisces, indicating key political processes and changes in Israel, but also an impetus of humanity towards change, development and evolution of values. If this is not done deliberately, but even resisted, there will be almost instantly great trials and problems towards the countries, nations and people who are resisting the Evolution of Humanity and the Earth.

The combination of the two eclipses also speaks of problems with aviation, there are possible crashes or major problems at airports. Along a wide belt of about 2-3 degrees connecting Oslo, Warsaw, Bucharest, Eastern Bulgaria, Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa and so on all the way to Madagascar, as well as the West Coast of the USA, there is an increased risk of plane crashes, freak accidents, flares in the sky, electrical problems, tornadoes, high winds, lightning and hurricane storms. This is one of the lines along which more serious seismic events sometimes materialize.

Because of the two eclipses there is an increased risk of terrorist danger as well as a general serious danger to politicians. Security services need to be as active as possible throughout the month if they are to do their job adequately, and unfortunately this applies to all countries, and especially those that are under Jupiter's strong influence or have some spiritual leader or important politician to protect.

Don't forget to check the charts of risk, health, finances, and occupation, because these eclipses can affect these processes in general.

The Spirit of Christ surrounds and protects all Wise and Loving souls!

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