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88 - The New Teaching for the Stars applied to Sirius, Part I

On 11.03.2023 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "The New Teaching for the Stars applied to Sirius, Part I". This seminar will apply the New Teaching of the Stars to the brightest star in the sky after the Sun, Sirius. For the first time, the interpretation and synthesis of the fundamental characteristics of the stars will be applied from an Esoteric perspective specifically to the star that has defined life and the spiritual development of humanity for thousands of years: the Sopdet - Sirius. This seminar will apply a number of Master Peter Dеunov's ideas about the stars and their spiritual and astrological interpretation. The relationship between Sirius, the Covenant of the Colored Rays of Light, the Angelic Hierarchies, the Cosmic Teachings of the Ancients and the Teachings on the Spiritual Structure of Man and Beings, and the Teachings of the Ancient Esoteric Traditions on the Numbers will be explored. All this is done to overcome the elementary understanding of the stars inherited from the external astrological teachings which have lost their Spiritual and Esoteric kernel. In this way the higher Astrological understanding of the stars will be shown, and this by working on one of the most beautiful and majestic stars in the night sky, Sirius, shining in diamond rays. The seminar is fundamental and not to be missed by serious learners, for there are key important ideas without which the Teaching of the Stars and Astrology itself cannot be understood.

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