On June 19, 2021, Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The Entries in the Akashic Record and the Precession of the Zodiac, part II". The seminar will present the Precession Entries in the Akashic Record about the Zodiac for the past and future great epochs and sub-epochs of the Earth's development. The precession processes and dynamics invested in the Earth's existence will be shown in detail. The Fractal structure of time and the seven stages of Consciousness, Life and Form, the seven rebirths of the Solar System, the Seven Great Ages in the development of Physical Form, the fourth stage of Life from the Aeon Earth, which is the fourth stage of Consciousness, will be explained. The past 32 precession epochs will be explained and it will be shown that we are in a 33 precession epoch, called the Age of Pisces. The spiral of the Precession Ages with its total of 49 stages will be shown. Information about the First Polarian Age will be given and its seven stages and the Akashic records about it in the Zodiac will be considered. It will be explained how Souls begin their manifestation from Alfiola. Information about the Second Hyperborean Age will be given and its seven stages and Akashic records about it in the Zodiac will be examined. Information about the Third Lemurian Age will be given and its seven stages and Akashic records about it in the Zodiac will be examined. By looking at the already cited Precession Ages, it will be shown how the Spiritual World puts layers of information, archetypes, functions, processes and qualities in each constellation of the Father Zodiac - the Starry Fixed Zodiac. Information about the Third Atlantian Age will be given and its seven stages and Akashic records about it in the Zodiac will be examined. ... Welcome to the seminar!