
Astrological seminars

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Type: Webinar -


On 10.07.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "Types of constellations in Astrology, zodiacal and non-zodiacal. Historical and positional analysis and presentation". The seminar will present the zodiacal and non-zodiacal constellations used in Astrology, explaining exactly how these constellations affect the horoscope in its spherical three-dimensional version. Constellations can be historically divided into constellations from antiquity and modern constellations. The constellations can then be described culturally. However, it is the cultural distinction that will show the connection between certain constellations that have penetrated from one culture to another. The seminar will show the different groups of constellations, and in addition to the 14 zodiacal (12 widely known + 2 little known constellations) will also show the non-zodiacal constellations and will explain the concepts of Paranatelonta and Dinont, which are related to the simultaneous rise or set of a group constellations. The semantic connections between certain constellations will be shown. The connection between a zodiacal sector of a zodiacal constellation and the non-zodiacal constellations that fall into this zodiacal sector will also be demonstrated. It will be shown how different groups of constellations are positioned in certain important areas of the celestial sphere during birth... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -


On 17.07.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "Types of constellations in Astrology, zodiacal and non-zodiacal. Three-dimensional horoscope". The seminar will present the zodiacal and non-zodiacal constellations used in Astrology, explaining exactly how these constellations affect the horoscope in its spherical three-dimensional version. The seminar will show the different groups of constellations, and in addition to the 14 zodiacal (12 widely known + 2 little known constellations) will also show the non-zodiacal constellations and will explain the concepts of Paranatelonta and Dinont, which are related to the simultaneous rise or set of a group constellations. The semantic connections between certain constellations will be shown. The connection between a zodiacal sector of a zodiacal constellation and the non-zodiacal constellations that fall into this zodiacal sector will also be demonstrated. It will be shown how different groups of constellations are positioned in certain important areas of the celestial sphere during birth... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

21 - The Astrological Religion of the Thracians - the 12 Faces of God, Known as the 12 Olympian gods

On 24.07.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The astrological religion of the Thracians - the 12 faces of God, manifested in the 12 Thracian deities, known as the 12 Olympic gods". Evidence will be presented at the seminar that the Thracians created a religion that is now incorrectly called the ancient Greek religion. This religion is Astral and worships the Sun, Moon and Stars. It will be explained how the genealogy of the gods shows the ancient ages of the Earth. The seminar will show the different groups of planets by quality day, night and double planets. The connections between the deities and the zodiac signs will be shown, showing the different qualities of the planets in relation to the qualities of the gods ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

22 - Making a birthday horoscope by hand and with software

On 31.07.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "Making a birthday horoscope by hand and with software". The types of horoscopes will be presented at the seminar
and the way to build them. It will explain what ephemeris tables are and how to use them. It will explain what a home table is and how it is used to build the Placidus home system in a two-dimensional horoscope. Examples will be given of how to build a horoscope by hand without the use of software. This skill is extremely important because every astrologer must be able to build a horoscope without using astrological software. Then, of course, it will be explained how to build a horoscope with the software ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

23 - The Being Astrology and the 12 Philosophical Visions of Reality in hers Aura

On August 7, 2021, Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The Being of Astrology and the 12 Philosophical Visions of Reality in hers Aura". The seminar will present Astrology as a Higher Spiritual being from the Divine world, which manifests herself in the human world as a science, art and religion. When this Higher being descends to us, she expresses herself as 12 points of view to Reality, which have been realized in our world as specific philosophical systems. It is important that none of these points of view alone is complete, but the set of 12 points of view is part of Total Philosophy and Cosmosophy, expressed in Esoteric Christianity and Neoplatonic astrology, developed by Rudolf Steiner. The 12 philosophical points of view are deeply connected with the higher characteristics of the 12 zodiac signs and in the seminar these connections will be explained in detail. They are models of universal thought in the higher world of thought ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

24 - Historical development of Astronomy, as an instrument of Astrology. Astronomical notions and concepts

On 14.08.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on "Historical development of astronomy as a tool of astrology. Astronomical concepts and concepts." The seminar will explain how Astrology has evolved over the millennia in its Astronomical Toolkit. Ancient, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Concepts in Astronomy will be interpreted from an Astrological point of view. The seminar will show the geocentric and heliocentric ideas, explaining the transition from the ancient method of observing the planets first to modeling with epicycles by the method of Claudius Ptolemy and then to the era of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton, who gradually developed modern astrophysical and astronomical ideas. The ecliptic, equatorial and horizontal coordinate systems, the concept of ecliptic inclination, luminosity, stellar time and a number of other astronomical concepts that are directly related to Astrology will be explained ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

25 - The Breath of the Soul, the Reincarnations and the Celestial Spheres

On August 21, 2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The Breath of the Soul, Rebirths and the Heavenly Spheres". The seminar will explain the transition of the soul through the planetary spheres to a new birth and after leaving the physical world. Souls pass through the planetary spheres and have a specific life between two reincarnations, which life has a deep connection and relation to the Higher astrological energy of the planets and the Spiritual life in the planetary spheres ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

26 - The Life of the Soul in Earthly Conditions. The Planetary Periods of Human Life, part II

On 28.08.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The life of the Soul in earthly conditions. The planetary periods of human life", part II. The seminar will explain the first few planetary periods of the development of the soul in earthly conditions. Some practical ideas on how to work with the planetary periods arising from the Primary Directorates will also be given. The seminar will give a lot of key ideas for the proper spiritual education of the young person .... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

27 - The Life of the Soul in Earthly Conditions. The Planetary Periods of Human Life, part III

On September 4, 2021, Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The life of the Soul in earthly conditions. The planetary periods of human life", part II. The seminar will explain the first few planetary periods of the development of the soul in terrestrial conditions - Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars. It will be presented what is the connection between an eon and a rebirth of man. Some practical ideas on how to work with the planetary periods arising from the Primary Directorates and their connection with the basic periods of human life will be given. The seminar will give a lot of key ideas for the proper spiritual education of the young person .... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

28 - The Life of the Soul in Earthly Conditions. The Planetary Periods of Human Life, part IV

On 11.09.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The life of the Soul in earthly conditions. The planetary periods of human life", part IV. The seminar will explain the planetary periods of the development of the soul in terrestrial conditions - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The internal connections between the different periods will be explained. An idea will be given on how to pass correctly from a spiritual point of view through the maturity and old age of life .... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

29 - The Transition of the Soul to the Otherworld and its Life in the Lunar Sphere

On 18.09.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The transition of the Soul in the Otherworld and its life in the Lunar Sphere". The seminar will explain the esoteric perspectives for the transition to the Hereafter and the life of the soul in the lunar sphere, giving important explanations for the lunar sphere and its elements and key recommendations for a proper approach in life in order to have an adequate and good soul. experiences in the lunar sphere ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

30 - The Sphere of Venus and the Life of the Soul in the Astral World

On 25.09.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on "The sphere of Venus and the life of the soul in the Astral world". The seminar will explain the esoteric perspectives for the transition through the Astral world and especially through the areas of the Sphere of Venus with its specific areas. The information on this topic, which Rudolf Steiner has given on the topic, as well as some key ideas from Master Peter Deunov will be presented .... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

31 - The experiences of the soul in the Astral world and the structure of the Soul world in connection with the Lunar and Venus sphere

On 2.10.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on "The experiences of the soul in the Astral world and the structure of the Soul world in connection with the Lunar and Venus sphere". The seminar will explain the esoteric perspectives for the transition through the Astral world and especially through the areas of the Sphere of Venus with its specific areas. The information on this topic, which Rudolf Steiner has given on the topic, as well as some key ideas from Master Peter Deunov will be presented. This is a continuation and deepening of the information from the previous seminar... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

32 - The experiences of the soul in the Astral world and the structure of the Soul world in connection with the Lunar and Venus sphere, part II

On October 9, 2021, Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on the topic: "The experiences of the soul in the Astral world and the structure of the Soul world in connection with the Lunar and Venus sphere, part II". The seminar will continue with explanations of the esoteric perspectives for the transition through the Astral world and especially through the areas of the Sphere of Venus with its specific areas. The information on this topic that Rudolf Steiner has given on the topic will be presented, as well as some key ideas from Master Peter Deunov. This is a continuation and deepening of the information from the previous seminar ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

33 - The Planet Mercury and its Sphere. Astronomical Facts and Spiritual Ideas

On 16.10.2021 Filip Filipov will hold a seminar on "The Planet Mercury and its Sphere. Astronomical Facts and Spiritual Ideas." The seminar will explain the astronomical and spiritual ideas about the planet Mercury and its sphere. The nearest planet has extremely important and non-standard astronomical laws, which are related to the depth of its spiritual and astrological influence. The seminar will also discuss the main spiritual qualities of the Sphere of Mercury, which are experienced by the human spirit after the transition to the Otherworld ... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

34 - Nature and structure of the Mental World in connection with the Higher Planetary Spheres

On 23.10.2021 Philip Filip Filippov will hold a seminar on "The Nature and Structure of the Mental World in Relation to the Higher Planetary Spheres". The seminar will explain the nature and structure of the Mental World with its 7 areas concerning the Higher Planetary Spheres and Astrology. The Mental World has a direct connection and central relation to us as beings of Thought and Awareness and on the other hand, as we go from the Sphere of Mercury to the Higher Spheres of the Sun and the outer planets into the highest regions of the Mental World, and even higher worlds, we are bound to have a clear idea of the Mental World, its nature and structure... Welcome to the seminar!

Type: Webinar -

35 - The Solar Sphere and the Great Mysteries of the Solar System

A seminar on the topic: "The Solar Sphere and the Great Mysteries of the Solar System" will be held on October 30 at 21:00. The seminar will explain the nature and structure of the solar sphere, giving ideas about the Great Solar Mysteries in the context of Astrology.

Type: Webinar -

36 - The Sphere of Mars and the Mysteries of the Cosmic Word, The Divine Secret of еvil and Gautama Buddha's Golgotha

A seminar on the topic: "The Sphere of Mars and the Mysteries of the Cosmic Word, The Divine Secret of еvil and Gautama Buddha's Golgotha" will be held on November 27 at 21:00. The seminar will explain the specifics of the Martian sphere, which enters the spiritually developed selves after the solar sphere. The sphere of Mars hides one of the most serious mysteries of life - Why the Divine has allowed evil in the life of the human hierarchy. The influence of Gautama Buddha, who, as a Cosmic Master, transforms Mars forever, also takes place in this sphere.

Type: Webinar -

37 - The Sphere of Jupiter and the Cosmic Thought of the Angelic Hierarchies

A seminar on "The Sphere of Jupiter and the Cosmic Thought of the Angelic Hierarchies" will be held on December 4 at 21:00. The seminar will explain the specifics of the Jupiter sphere and its connection with the Mars and Saturn spheres, which include the highly advanced spiritually developed selves after the solar sphere. The sphere of Jupiter is connected with the Cosmic Thoughts of the Angelic Hierarchies and in it the primary prototypes of living beings are realized. This area is crucial for the development of man and all mankind. If you want to learn more about the qualities of Jupiter and its sphere, welcome to the seminar.

Type: Webinar -

38 - The Sphere of Saturn and the Cosmic Memory of the Divine Angelic Hierarchies

A seminar on the topic: "The Sphere of Saturn and the Cosmic Memory of the Divine Angelic Hierarchies" will be held on December 11 at 21:00. This seminar will examine the characteristics of Saturn's realm, the angelic hierarchies associated with it, and the qualities of the planet Saturn that are relevant to the Spiritual Life after leaving the physical world. The cosmic memory of the higher Angelic hierarchies is directly related to the development of the solar system and all beings in it.

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