Astrological seminars
39 - The Being of Human Individuality in the highest spheres - the Sphere of the Zodiac, the Sphere of the Stars and the Cosmic Midnight Hour
On 18.12 at 21:00 BST a seminar will be held on "The Being of the Human Individuality in the Highest Spheres - the Zodiacal Sphere, the Sphere of the Stars and the Cosmic Midnight Hour". This seminar will examine the processes involved in the being of the human self in the highest spheres at the boundary of the Solar System, where human individuality works with the Archetypes and energies of the Stars and where the human spirit merges with the Spirit of God.
40 - Holiday Christmas Seminar on Higher Esoteric Astrology and Cosmogony
The seminar explained important ideas of the Cosmic Christ Teaching, the Vision of Christ as the Galactic Cosmic Man and how He came down to us humans on Earth, the mystery of the birth of the two children Jesus in the line of Nathan and Solomon, the work of Zarathustra, Buddha and Beinsa Duno in preparing the conditions for the manifestation of the Superhuman spiritual structures of Jesus, the Second Coming of Christ in our day, how to protect ourselves from the dangers of today, and important excerpts from Master Beinsa Duno and Rudolf Steiner were read and explained and interpreted in detail. Important predictions for special times to come were given and discussed. Many questions were answered in this 4-hour seminar.
41 - Man's Path from the Midnight Hour of Being to a New Incarnation
This seminar will examine the processes of preparation for a new rebirth as the Human Being descends from the highest realms to the physical conditions of Earth.
42 - The Planetary Spheres and the Philosophical Attitudes of the Soul
This seminar will look at the 7 mental attitudes one takes from the planetary spheres. It will also give some new insights into the essence of Astrology and the relationship between the Angelic Hierarchies, the Solar System and the Spiritual Visions of man.
43 - The Horoscope of the Planetary Periods
On 19.02 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "The Horoscope of the Planetary Periods". This will be a practical seminar in which I will show how to make a unique and very specific analysis of human life, which proceeds according to certain esoteric laws related both to the planetary spheres through which the human soul passes when coming to Earth, and to the planetary periods of human life. We will be working with a special form for making this kind of horoscopes.
44 - Celestial Circles, Sectors and Coordinate systems
On 26.02 at 21:00 Bulgarian tme will be held a seminar on "Celestial circles, sectors and coordinate systems". This will be a seminar that will show some basic ideas about the Great Circles of the sky that are used in stellar science, looking at their meaning and use in coordinate systems that measure the sky. We will look in a practical sense at how to visualize the most important great circles with their accompanying celestial sectors, which represent important in an astrological sense sections of the celestial sphere.
45 - Spiritual Explanation and Definition of the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part I
On 5.03.2022 at 21:00 Bulgarian Time a seminar will be held on "Spiritual Explanation and Definition of the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part I (diurnal/nocturnal sect, rulership and exile, exaltation and fall in zodiacal signs)". This will be a seminar that will first bring out the basic ideas of the relationship between the Zodiac and the planets and then begin with a spiritual explanation of the relationship of the planets to Day and Night, one of the chief qualities of the planets. Then the spiritual records of the Akasha Chronicles will be recalled which have defined the essential merits of the planets, such as rulership, exaltation, exile, and fall in the zodiacs. This spiritual information explains why a particular planet has certain essential connections to specific zodiacs.
46 - Spiritual Explanation and Definition of the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part II
On 12.03.2022 at 21:00 BST a seminar will be held on "Spiritual Explanation and Definition of the Essential Merits of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part II (Rulership and Exile, Exaltation and Fall in the Zodiac)". This seminar will continue the review of all the major relationships between the planets and their essential dignities with the zodiacal constellations. The spiritual reason for this explanation and the relationship between the key ages and stages of the solar system's development as recorded in the Akasha Chronicle will be explained. This spiritual information explains, for the first time in depth, why a planet has certain essential connections to specific zodiacal signs.
47 - Spiritual Explanation and Definition of the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part III
On 19.03.2022 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "Spiritual explanation and definition of the essential dignities of the planets in the zodiac, Part III (rulership and exile, exaltation and fall in the zodiac)". This seminar will continue the review of all the major relationships between the planets and their essential properties with the zodiacal constellations. The spiritual reason for this explanation and the relationship between the key ages and stages of the solar system's development as recorded in the Akasha Chronicle will be explained, continuing with the Lemurian and Atlantean record regarding the Essential Merits of the Planets in the Zodiacs. This spiritual information explains, for the first time in depth, why a planet has certain essential connections to specific zodiacs.
48 - Dignities and Qualities of the Planets and the Modern Age. Triplicity, Peregrine and Divisions of the Zodiac
On 26.03.2022 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "Dignities and Qualities of the Planets and the Modern Age. Triplicity, Peregrine and Divisions of the Zodiac". In this seminar the order of planetary dignities concerning the Modern Post Atlantean Age will be presented. Along with this, the doctrine of the qualities of the Elements, Zodias and Planets that have a relationship to the seasons will be explained. The worthiness triplicity will also be defined as well as the Peregrine condition from several different perspectives in relation to the divisions of the Zodiac.
49 - Work with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part I
On 2.04.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "Working with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part I: Planets in the Zodias, without their divisions)". In this seminar it will be explained how to work practically with the Essential Dignities in order to evaluate the placement of the Planets in the Zodias without taking into account the internal divisions of the Zodiac. This is a practical knowledge without which it is impossible to make sense of the power and influence of the planets. This seminar is of great practical importance for understanding horoscope work in depth.
50 - Work with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part II
On 9.04.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "Working with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part II: Planets in the Zodias, without their divisions)". In this seminar it will be explained how to work practically with the Essential Dignities in order to evaluate the placement of the Planets in the Zodias without taking into account the internal divisions of the Zodiac. This is a practical knowledge without which it is impossible to make sense of the power and influence of the planets. This seminar is of great practical importance for understanding horoscope work in depth and will cover all planets from classical to new.
51 - Work with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part III
On 16.04.2022 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "Working with the Essential Dignities of the Planets in the Zodiac, Part III: The New Planets in the Zodiac and the First Divisions of the Zodiac". This seminar will explain how to work practically with the Essential Dignities of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as with the planet Ceres and the newly discovered planet Eris, in order to evaluate their placement in the Zodiac algebraically and geometrically through the algorithm for the Essential Dignities already described in the previous seminars. At the end of the seminar, the first internal division of each zodiac into two halves will be explained. It will be explained where this little known division originates from, how it relates to the natural fractal relationships between the zodiac and the cycles of time. The planetary dominions of each half of each zodiac will also be shown.
52 - Christ and His Cosmic Teaching - Easter Seminar
On 23.04, the Easter Free Seminar will be held. The topics to be expressed at the seminar will be: CHRIST AND HIS COSMIC TEACHING 1. Christ as the Master of all Initiates in the Great Solar Mysteries 2. The precession and gestures of the Spirit of the Sun - Christ 3. the 12 Apostles - the Earthly Zodiac of Jesus Christ projected from two other Zodiacs 4. The correct calculation of Easter according to the Star Science of Christ
53 - The Fractal of Time and the Divisions of the Zodiac. Phenomenological Analysis of Time Cycles and Periods
On 30.04.2022 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "The Fractal of Time and the Divisions of the Zodiac. Phenomenological analysis of time cycles and periods". This seminar will explain the fractal nature of time by examining the 7 major self-similar time cycles. Once these are presented, the natural time periods in the various cycles will be examined and thus the key divisions of the zodiac will be defined. This is a fundamental lecture without which it is impossible to study predictive astrology and the essential merits of the planets in the various divisions of the zodiac.
54 - The Fractal of Time and the Divisions of the Zodiac. Phenomenological Analysis of Time Cycles and Periods - Part II
On 07.05.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "The Fractal of Time and the divisions of the Zodiac. Phenomenological analysis of time cycles and periods. Part II". This seminar will continue with the idea of the fractal nature of time by looking at the 7 major self-similar time cycles and their underlying patterns. Last time, the 7 basic levels of Fractal-Time were discussed, making sense of the divisions into 2 (halves), divisions into 3 (decans), and this seminar will continue from the divisions of 4 (quarters) and the divisions of 5 (terms) of the basic cycles and will bring out the basics of the 6 (genies),7 (base fractal pattern),12 (dodecatemoria) and 30 (monomoria - degrees) divisions. Thus the key divisions of the zodiac will be conceptualized and defined and their nature understood. This is a fundamental lecture without which it is not possible to study predictive astrology and the essential merits of the planets in the various divisions of the zodiac.
55 - Esoteric understanding of the Zodiacal divisions in Astrology
On 14.05.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "Esoteric understanding of the Zodiacal divisions in Astrology". This seminar will show the esoteric relationship between the divisions of the zodiac and the Spiritual World, thus clarifying in great depth the meaning of the basic divisions taught the previous two seminars. It will also make sense of why other possible divisions are not part of the fractal of time. The seminar is key to the Esoteric understanding of Astrology.
56 - Full Essential Dignities Algorithm with all divisions of the zodiac
On 21.05.2022 at 21:00 BST will be held a seminar on "Full Algorithm of Essential Dignities with all divisions of the zodiac". In this seminar will be shown the complete algorithm for determining the Essential Dignities, now based on the Zodias, but also on their divisions of halves, decans, quarters, termes, sextiles, sevenths, dodecatemoria and degrees respectively with their planetary rulers. The seminar will examine each of the divisions of the Zodiac and explain the principle of the planetary rulers of each division. Thus, for the first time, a comprehensive Astrological Model will be worked out, defining as fully as possible the Essential Dignities of the planets. The seminar is practical and without it one cannot understand how to analyze a horoscope.
57 - Practical work with astrological software about the essential dignities and the assessment of the strength of the planets
On 28.05.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "Practical work with astrological software for the essential dignities and the assessment of the strength of the planets". In this seminar, it will be demonstrated how to work with Astrological Software for the assessment of the essential dignities of the planets visually and in a spherical horoscope. The dynamics of the power of certain planets in a given zodia will be examined, thus making sense of the positional power of the planets relative to their essential dignities in the zodiac and its various divisions. It will also show another kind of algorithm that underlies finding the strongest planet in a horoscope - the Almotene of the horoscope. The seminar is extremely practical and without it one cannot understand how to analyze a horoscope.
58 - The Ancient Teaching and the New Teaching about the Stars and their influences. Part I
On 4.06.2022 at 21:00 BG time will be held a seminar on "The Ancient Teaching and the New Teaching of the Stars and their Influences. Part I". This seminar will explain the basic ideas of the Ancient Doctrine of the Fixed Stars according to the Tradition of Hermes, and in the series devoted to this topic will also develop and present the New Doctrine of the Stars and their Influences. The first part will explain the Spiritual ideas that form our understanding of what a Star System represents and introduce the Hermes Principles concerning the Stars. The seminar is extremely essential to understanding the influence of the Stars and without it basic ideas in Astrology cannot be understood.