Welcome to – your personal astrologer on the Internet! astrological software gives you a complete personal horoscope, complete natal horoscope, weekly horoscopes, monthly horoscopes, annual horoscopes and prognosis for whole life - full professional analysis, full astrological interpretation and astrological prognosis. The professional online astrological software builds a three-dimensional horoscope, a spherical horoscope - the horoscope of the soul, as well as a two-dimensional horoscope according to the modern method, but also according to ancient astrology. The text and algorithms of the software were developed by the proven astrologer Filip Filipov with his true public predictions. On the site you will find astrological analysis and astrological interpretation of your horoscope with unique text of hundreds of pages and astrological prognosis with thousands of pages through astrological methods: transits, progressions, primary directions, symbolic directions, graphic thematic prognoses, planetary phases, three-dimensional horoscope, astrological weather and analysis of 150 cosmic configurations. Filip Filipov presents astrology as esoteric, philosophy and science in its ancient and most modern methodology. He is the organizer of the European Astrological Conference, which is held annually in various European countries. is a revolutionary and unique worldwide web-based and mobile-accessible astrological software that allows you to build your horoscope for free, analyze your astro chart, make a very detailed interpretation of your horoscope, and also make a short-term prognosis, long-term prognosis, thematic prognosis and check global prognoses and their personal impact on you. Unlike astrological books, elementary software and SMS Internet astrological services, which usually give you a short standard interpretation, copied from someone’s books, formulated in ready-made standard paragraphs on several topics: “My Zodiac Sign”, “My Moon Sign”, “My Ascendant”, etc., provides you with thousands of pages of personalized especially for you horoscope interpretation with in-depth semantic analysis and interpretation, which are not available in modern astrological books and represent a global innovation in Astrology, developed by Filip Filipov and Hristo Georgiev.
You can find the interpretation of the horoscope in the “Interpretation” tab, where you have access to the following services: written interpretation of planets in signs, of planets in houses, of astrological aspects, of the positions of house rulers in houses, of astrological configurations. What is unique in this case is that the interpretation of planets in Zodiac signs and in houses contains information about internal and external psychological influence, processes that need to be outgrown, spiritual and sublime interpretation of positions. When interpreting the positions of house rulers, of aspects and cosmic configurations, there are thousands of possible interpretations that are not usually taught or explained in astrological books due to lack of space.
It is extremely important that the available software uses the methods of Ancient and Modern Astrological Traditions. The astrological aspects are not interpreted as a simple relation between two planets, but as directed energy from one stronger planet to another, weaker by its position, planet. Another very important feature is the capacity to build, analyze and interpret your horoscope in the ordinary Tropical Zodiac and the Placidus House System, but also in the real Zodiac that ancient astrologers once used – the Babylonian Fixed Zodiac, along with the house system used by Hermes himself – the Creator of Astrology. Enmeduranki – The First Hermes, and his disciples in Ancient Sumer, used Spherical horoscopes, rather than, much later in the ancient period – a flat projection of the celestial sphere, with all its objects, constellations, stars, luminaries and planets.
The flat pseudo-two-dimensional horoscope, which is actually one-dimensional horoscope, is not a precise model of the sky, and therefore, astrologers working only with this method make many mistakes in their practice and find it difficult to understand higher methods in Astrology, such as the Primary Directions, the true nature of the Ascendant, and the three-dimensional Placidus House System. Since in 1995, Filip Filipov and Rumen Kolev created the world’s first three-dimensional astrological software products, the Bulgarian Astrological Tradition became a technological and scientific leader worldwide. This present software offers a new, several times more advanced and online-accessible version of the program created by Philip Filipov – Sirius 7.0, with a 3D horoscope available in the “3D” tab. Through this revolutionary worldwide astrological innovation, not only the authentic methodology of ancient astrologers is restored, but also the most precise presentation of the horoscope is implemented with the most modern contemporary technologies.
Through the three-dimensional horoscope, you will be able to see your Paranatellonta – your true Ascendant, which passes through a group of Zodiacal and non-Zodiacal constellations. In the same way, each astrological house passes not only through one or two Zodiac signs, but through a whole group of celestial constellations, which influence the given astrological house and its topics in the person’s life. The three-dimensional horoscope shows the true position of planets and stars and thus clears the errors in the ordinary two-dimensional horoscope existing due to the projection of objects in one plane, which is a kind of flattening of the celestial sphere into a circle. Thus, if you have Venus at the Ascendant in the ordinary horoscope, you may find that it is actually in your House XII, and only its projection falls on your Ascendant, and if you have Pluto in House II, it may turn out that Pluto is actually rising, and therefore it is at your Ascendant.
In the current astrological program, three-dimensional modules for analysis of the spherical horoscope have been developed, which will gradually be saturated also with written interpretation of the various elements of the three-dimensional horoscope. In this present website, the foundations are laid of a new type of astrological software based on artificial intelligence or, more precisely, in philosophical terms – of a projection of the natural intelligence of the creators of this astrological software that analyzes and interprets your personal horoscope or global horoscope. In the future, new special tools will be created that will allow to precise the astrological interpretation and prognostics to a new, qualitatively better level. However, it should not be forgotten that no software, even based on artificial intelligence, can replace the work of a professional astrologer, who, in order to interpret your horoscope live, must work and interpret your astro chart at least between 6 and 20 hours and thus reveal to you the available 7 layers of astrological information in your astro chart. The present software is just a very good tool and method for analysis, written interpretation and prognostic written analysis of a new generation, which does not aim to ignore the work of the human astrologer, but on the contrary: it aims to create the best possible environment for instruction, training, analysis and interpretation of omens and prognoses in Astrology.
We hereby present both a set of free resources and extremely low-priced, affordable and accessible astrological tools, through which everyone can study Astrology, but also independently explore one’s own astro chart. The main idea of this website is to maximize access to astrological information, moreover – at a high professional level. The financial funds loaded by users are utilized to maintain the website, to pay for the computer time spent on the servers for calculations and storage of the huge amount of generated data, to create new computational, analytical and interpretative modules, to translate the website into other languages, and for the personal time spent by the website developers. None of the astrological knowledge or spiritual ideas is paid for – because they cannot be valued.
Below is the astro chart at the moment. For settings and work with it, you can get more information by clicking on the “Help” button in the form of a question mark. Do not hesitate to click on the various options and details on the chart, because the horoscope built by this software is the world’s first interactive astro chart of Internet-based astrological software.
If you would like to build your horoscope and start analyzing and interpreting it, you will need to register by entering your date of birth, as precisely as possible – the hour and minute of birth, and you have to indicate your birthplace. If you have not entered the exact time and minute of birth, some of the modules may not contain accurate information – for example, the interpretation of planets in houses, as well as the position of house rulers. For this purpose, if you wish to have the best possible analysis and interpretation of the horoscope, you should define more precisely your time and minute of birth through the records in your maternity home or at the Population and Civil Registry Services; and it would be best if Filip Filipov himself determines precisely the time of your birth using the Primary Directions method, through at least 10 important events in your life.
Once you register and log in to your profile, you will be able to view your 2D horoscope in several different ways using the icons above the horoscope. You can then look at what is presented in the “Analysis” tab, in order to evaluate your horoscope as positions of planets and activation of elements, modalities and qualities in your astro chart, as well as the state of constellations, Zodiac signs, houses and planets. You can then start interpreting your horoscope in the “Interpretation” tab. There you will be able to explore hundreds and thousands of written interpretations of your horoscope and thus understand your astro chart in a way unattainable so far. Then view your 3D horoscope in the “3D” tab, and touch the Horoscope of your Soul who has created these majestic scenes from higher dimensions.
In the “Prognoses” tab, it will be extremely useful for you to see the thematic graphic prognoses showing the 12 different important topics of life, in the form of mathematical functions with available graphical and visual interpretation. You will be able to see the processes taking place in your horoscope in a short-term form, from a few days up to 3 months ahead, and you also have the opportunity to position the starting point of the graph at any moment of time. You can then view your short-term prognoses and long-term prognoses based on the following prognostic methods: Transits, Progressions, Symbolic Directions and Primary Directions. In the sub-tabs for short-term and long-term prognoses, you will be able to analyze and interpret each prognostic aspect or configuration of aspects, interpreting them through tens of text pages. In this way, you have access to unprecedented, by its power, astrological software that you can use anytime and anywhere. Enjoy exploring and studying the magic of your Stellar Sky!